Protein Coat Balm – 200ml


Recommended for a light finish to reduce static when presenting a dog for show. Excellent on all flowing coated breeds, for fringes on Saluki, Spaniels and Setters and to keep the coat in place on Maltese, Shih Tzu, Afghans, American Cockers, Yorkies and in fact any coat that needs to stay lightly and softly in place.

Wonderful for settling flyaway hairs. Light and non greasy, Coat Balm can be applied just prior to presenting in the ring. Apply a small amount and smooth down the lengths of the coat and then apply an extra amount to the ends of the coat by clumping the hands, fingers to palms along the edges of the coat fall. This will add light weight to the length of the coat to help keep it in place when in motion. Can be used repeatedly throughout the day.

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Additional information

Weight 0,3 kg

Derived from:

Contains UV filters and protein.

How to apply:

Apply a small amount and smooth down the lengths of the coat and then apply an extra amount to the ends of the coat by clumping the hands, fingers to palms along the edges of the coat fall. This will add light weight to the length of the coat to help keep it in place when in motion. Can be used repeatedly throughout the day.

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